Welcome to the Two Bears Tienda.
Tienda is the Spanish rendering of “store“. For those in New Mexico, across the Southwest and around the world, we’ve designed the Two Bears Tienda online store to be your “tienda“, a place where you can shop Amway’s health supplements, nutrition vitamins and energy drink products at your convenience, with ease and enjoyment. We’ve worked hard so you can browse, research, enjoy and buy… to your heart’s content.
We also offer our blog, New Mexico Body Fuel, which we feel is the best nutrition blog for YOU. It is a nutrition & lifestyle blog filled to the brim with information & observations, many which are collaborated with research, studies, product nutrition facts, manufacturer details or customer testimonials.
Please don’t mind us if we’re stocking the shelves and sweeping the floor while you walk the aisles of the tienda. We’ll do our best to stay out of your way, unless of course, you want to stop and talk for awhile. If you talk too long we’ll insist you sit down with us and enjoy a refreshing XS® Blast Energy Drink.
And yes, it would be absolutely mandatory to follow that up with a little siesta. After all, we don’t work all day around here.
All things in moderation and to each activity its proper time.
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