Real Food For Real Human Bodies

Fake Food

Approximately 72% of what is available to purchase, as food, at the local grocery store isn’t food.


Anything packaged as “food” that is processed or refined IS NOT food. It is junk, even if the label is designed to tell you otherwise. It is engineered and manufactured by “fake food scientists”. Some, who agree with this point call these edible, food-like substances; but can they really even be considered edible?

Edible Food

edible definition: 1. suitable or safe for eating: 2. suitable or safe for eating 3. fit to be eaten

The Search For Real Food

Growing weary of the continual poor health of most people in the U.S., many health food related professionals begin to look at the eating habits of other populations around the world.

What do they find?

They find peoples who do not eat refined sugar or bleached flour and who do not cook with vegetable oils or eat packaged foods. They also find these people do not have cancer, heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure.

They find people who eat animal fats and foods high in vitamins and minerals with meal choices that are predominately enzyme rich, both raw and fermented. They find people who prepare their meals without the modern technological advances of microwaves and freezers or additives and preservatives.

They eat, real food. 

You can too.

Modern Industrial Impact On Food

In our industrialized world we innovate to build bigger, better, faster. We create materials to advance our capabilities. What are some of our “great” inventions? Lead paint. Pesticides. Asbestos. Antibiotics. Hormones. Food additives. Genetically modified organisms.

Should you be sustaining your life with consumables that are foreign to the human body? Why would you eat food that is new to the human diet? What is your body made of? Cells. What can human cells do with man-made fats or refined vegetable oils? What will your body do with engineered food that is devitalized, denatured and denutritionalized.

Modern Industrial Food Impact On Human Bodies

Our bodies are not designed to thrive eating these “things”.

Our bodies do not adapt positively. Our bodies respond negatively. They grow cancerous tumors. Blood transporting arteries clog up with unnatural substances. The pancreas no longer controls the level of sugar in the blood. Our digestive tract goes awry. We get fat, depressed, brain fogged and we are plagued with difficulties concentrating and with nerves that are on edge. Why would we do this to ourselves?

If you desire to look more in depth at modern food’s impact on our bodies, go to this Natural Medicine Journal’s Issue titled, Modern Industrial Foods and Their Effects on the Human Body, The health effects of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, genetic engineering, and food additives.

Consider Your Real Food Choices

Stop. Think.

Stop the madness.


Eat real food by incorporating into your diet these two tips.

1. Eat real food that restores body vitality and vibrant health.

2. Eat real food that sustains quality of life.

How To Find Real Foods

How do you find food that is real

While in the grocery store look for food that looks like it was picked from a tree, bush, stem or some kind of plant. If it is meat, look for product in which you can still see the muscle structure. When you bite into these real foods, more times than not, you are going to feel juices pressed out of them as your teeth break down their structure. They will usually taste either bitter or sweet.

Unfortunately, many plants grown for food today have been genetically modified by man. Don’t eat genetically modified foods. These are called GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. When shopping, look for the “USDA Organic” label. Foods with this label are sold by providers that have passed stringent requirements to verify their food is both organic and non-GMO.

A New Mexico Body Fuel blog post presentation of a jpg image for 'USDA Organic Food Label Real Food For Real Bodies'.

If you make this simple, live enhancing change, you will be on your way to eating real food for your real, human body.

The statements in this blog post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult advice when making your health, diet and diet supplement decisions.